Attitude of Gratitude 5 Ways to Transform Your Life

Lifestyle, Mindset

What is an attitude of gratitude?

One definition for attitude of gratitude is to make a conscious effort to express appreciation for big and small things. Some people can keep up this happy mode and enjoy their life. Others are struggling with their emotions and never seem to succeed.

Have you ever wondered why?

It’s easier to be grateful and happy when all is good. In tough times, it becomes a challenge to maintain an attitude of gratitude. We might start thinking that life is not fair to us. You can become trapped in resentment, bitterness, and blaming others. The further you go down this dark hole, the more miserable you feel.

What are the reasons for this?

We often try to reach happiness with material things. We believe buying a car, a big house, expensive clothes, or jewelry will make us happy. You may feel short-term excitement from these things. But in the long run, it doesn’t last. So, this chase for happiness is elusive.

I often wondered how poor people who barely have enough to eat are so content. Their life is hard. They don’t have big houses, cars, or other material possessions. Yet, they smile and give thanks for the little things they have.

So, what is the secret to happiness?

The secret to happiness is in our approach to it. It is not something you can buy with money or even hard work. The secret to happiness is the attitude of gratitude.Girl Praying

Learn to appreciate all the good and bad that happens in your life. If you maintain a grateful attitude, you may find the happiness you have been chasing.

I watched an interview with a man who was a prisoner of war. He was tortured and barely made it out alive. I was impressed by his sense of humor. He was grateful for surviving this horrible experience and for God’s help. This man helped me understand the true meaning of gratitude.

Gratitude can transform days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.

William Arthur Ward emphasizes how practicing gratitude can change our lives. We can turn every day into Thanksgiving. Once you adopt this habit, even chores and challenges will become blessings!

Start practicing an attitude of gratitude daily, and you will have less negativity in your life. Having a grateful mind gives you a positive perspective.

Here are the 5 ways to develop an attitude of gratitude

1) Appreciate everything.

Remember how during the pandemic, you could not see your friends or give a hug to your loved ones? I am sure people who got covid and lost their sense of smell or taste learned to value it.

Smelling Flowers

2) Look for things to be thankful for every day.

Commit to a gratitude practice. Do you have a place to live? Do you eat three meals a day? Appreciate the fresh air, clean water, and beautiful nature. Become aware of your senses, abilities, possessions, and all the people and things you love. You will discover a lot to be grateful for!

3) Express gratitude daily.

You can say a prayer at the end of each day. Write 1-3 things you are grateful for in a journal. You will find below some practical exercises to guide you. Start doing it every day. You will be amazed at how your life may change!

Gratitude Journal - Larysa

4) Surround yourself with people with a gratitude-focused mindset.

Have you noticed how the mood of others affects yours? In the words of great Jim Rohn: ‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.’ The folks you hang around with most often shape your conversations, beliefs, and attitudes. So, surround yourself with people who inspire and empower you.

5) Take ownership of your present circumstances.

Your thoughts and emotions have great power. Change your perspective of things, however difficult they are. Look for a few positive angles and be thankful for them. Your frame of mind may change your current life situation for the better.

I know from my own experience that it’s easier said than done when it comes to gratitude. The more so if you are in difficult circumstances. The terrible war in my homeland Ukraine has taught me to appreciate the clear sky and peaceful silence. These are simple things that we take for granted and barely even notice. Unfortunately, we start to understand the real meaning of peace only when war breaks out…

Enjoy the little things because one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things.

Enjoy Little Things

I will share with you a few practical exercises. Get your gratitude journal ready.

  • Close your eyes and put on a sleeping mask. Try walking around the room. You can use your hands to guide you. Be careful not to trip over and fall. Now, open your eyes to see the light. Write down in your journal how it feels to be able to see.

Move Your Body

  • Lie down still for 5 minutes. Don’t move your body. Even if you start itching, refrain from moving your limbs. Imagine that you can’t get up. After 5 minutes, slowly move your fingers, toes, arms, and legs. Do you feel grateful to be able to move your body? Write it down.


  • If you had covid, and lost your sense of smell, remember how it felt. I hope you got it back. Make a fresh cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy the aroma. Bake this delicious chocolate dessert. Smell your favourite perfume or a flower. Do you appreciate all the fragrances and scents? Put the pen on the paper in your journal.

Gratitude Journal

  • Be silent for one day. No conversations, no phone calls. This may be easier to do on your day off. You can’t speak to people or answer their questions. Complete silence for a full day. This exercise has the extra benefit of listening to your thoughts. Write down any takeaways from your self-reflection. Are you grateful to be able to talk?

You can come up with your own exercises to learn to be thankful.


Start practicing the attitude of gratitude daily, and watch your life change!

Writing in Journal

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