Nutrition & Wellness Coach, Author, Blogger, Health Entrepreneur.
Hi, I’m Larysa
I help women like you to regain their confidence, vital energy and healthy weight while enjoying delicious foods without deprivation, “cheating” or guilt.
My own long-time story of suffering and being unhappy with my weight and my looks inspires me to help you avoid the pitfalls and overcome the roadblocks to a healthier, happier version of YOU. Bear with me, and I’ll show you how.

Let Me Introduce Myself
Where I Come From
I was born, raised and lived in Eastern Europe, Ukraine, before moving to Canada at the age of 35 with my husband and my eldest daughter
My Background
My first University Degree in Education helps me find an individual approach when teaching people how they can achieve better health with healthy eating
Personal Health Challenges
After many years of working corporate jobs under constant pressure and zero time for self-care, I was on the verge of burnout feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained and unable to meet constant demands of life
What Changed My Life for Good
A serendipitous encounter 11 years ago has completely transformed my health and my life forever when I started an exciting journey as a Health Entrepreneur and never looked back! I feel better now in my 50’s than I was in my 30’s
My Life Purpose
It makes my life worth living if I’m able to help one person feel stronger, healthier and eat better by practicing simple daily habits that I teach
I balance my time between work, family and self-care striving to practice what I preach and following my own advice
My Favorite Pass Times
When I’m not writing on my blog or working on a new recipe (which I love doing, too), you can find me at a cultural event (lucky to live in Montreal!), reading a good book, watching a movie with my children, or having dinner with friends enjoying tasty food, good wine and heart-felt conversation
Dream Vacation
Anywhere near water – a lake, a river or an ocean with beautiful nature, good food and friendly people. Vacations are essential for your mental and physical health. If you feel guilty or undeserving to take a vacation, read my blog article to find out what science says about the health benefits of vacation

I’m a Mom of three wonderful children, a chocoholic and a diet addict in remission. In my 20’s and 30’s, I was trying all sorts of crazy, restrictive diets going back-and-forth between starving myself and bingeing on sweets and carbs.
After having my second daughter, I faced a weighty challenge of carrying the extra 50 lbs on me…My health started to fail as well – I was suffering from joint pain and high blood pressure. I was able to shed off all that extra weight within a year, which was hard but even harder was to keep it off. So, I decided to learn how the food gets broken down and digested in our body, and how it affects our weight and health. This eventually brought me back to school. I became a student again at the age of 42 and earned my Bachelor of Science Degree in Dietetics and Human Nutrition from McGill University.
My years of studying, self-education and mentorship from the leading professionals in the nutrition field have helped me find a simple, delicious and effective solution to my long-time problem. It was a dream come true – I could enjoy tasty meals and maintain my healthy weight!
I use my own experience, challenges and knowledge to help you transform YOUR LIFE for the better as I did for myself and many of my clients
What Clients Are Saying
“My husband and I participated in the 7-Day Program, and we both lost a few pounds and had a new-found energy. I loved the creativity behind the recipes. Healthy eating was more of a task and an obligation to me in the past. With Larysa’s recipes I really had fun preparing delicious meals and desserts, which my hubby also enjoyed. I would recommend Larysa to anyone who wishes to improve eating habits to reach their health goals”.
How I Can Help You
Are You Ready For a Healthy Lifestyle Change but NOT Sure Where to Start?
Book Your 20-min Health Discovery Session with Larysa to Help Identify Your Unique Nutritional Needs
Larysa Voloshyna is a Nutrition & Wellness Coach and a Holistic Health Practitioner. She teaches people how to use nutrition as a tool for achieving optimal weight and vibrant health. Since graduating from McGill University School of Dietetics & Human Nutrition, Larysa has helped many people over the last 11 years to improve health by changing their eating habits through individual counselling, nutritional workshops and healthy living group programs.
Larysa is the author and a regular blog writer for the online women’s magazine LaLafemme and has been featured in their editorial interview Persona in June 2019. She was a guest speaker at many conferences, health events and online webinars passionately sharing her knowledge and her message of true health with others. As a way of giving back, Larysa offers nutritional education to various non-profit organizations volunteering her time and expertise to help people in need: Ukrainians fleeing the war, community centres and cancer survival patients.

People Often Ask Me
Do You Recommend a Specific Diet?
I neither follow myself nor do I recommend to my clients any specific dietary approach, especially, restrictive diets. I believe in eating wholesome, delicious foods from ALL food groups and truly enjoying them! The only restrictions may be due to therapeutic purposes, ex: gluten-free or lactose-fee if you have been diagnosed with gluten or lactose intolerance/ sensitivity
What is Your Eating Style?
I eat pretty much ALL healthy foods with few exceptions, ex: I don’t drink milk as it gives me bloating but I can enjoy other dairy foods, like yogurt, some cheeses, kefir. I love fresh fruit, my favorite are apples and avocado (Yep! Avocado is a fruit)
Do You Take Nutritional Supplements?
Since they helped me overcome my personal health challenges about 11 years ago, I take my high quality vitamin supplements every day and feel the difference they make in my energy level, sleep, mental focus and well-being. Supplements, however, can’t replace a healthy diet – they are meant to be taken regularly to complement your healthy eating and fill in any possible nutritional gaps related to busy lifestyles and stress. You can check out here the supplements I take
Can I Get a 1-on-1 Session?
I wish I had more hours in the day to offer individual coaching sessions. I developed my programs with the goal of educating many people rather than one person at-a-time. I teach the same principles, skills and health habits that I would in an 1-on-1 coaching session, and with the same focus on your personal needs
My mission is to make Your Life better by showing you how to set up and keep up a healthy relationship with food, so that you can fully enjoy the pleasure of eating via my Nutrition Programs and with my free resources delivered right to your inbox!
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